Friday, October 15, 2010

u s e l e s s

According to kamus,haha kamus haaa!what is useless?useless means J A C K A S S ! jerk,someone who is selish terrible horrible in his behavier but this useless is more to word unresponsible person this is prove when one of his old brother go to oversea because of his daughter accepted to Engineering school so he as are young brother need to take his action as a son to a father.A father cames to his house but no one answered urh that weird so his older brother call him million times and text him but he didnt respond at all.After a few days he text his older brother and said"I went to malaka that day for holiday" Ish you father came to you want to be near with you and this what his got?Your sibling didnt cares at all who need to be care of your father there all dah buat tanggujawab Wah dude you didnt have some respect ke? Your old brother have a family back home he need to there for them and sometime late a night he did cry because he cannot take too much of pressure he need to be a son to his parent he need to a husband to his wife he need to be a father to his children and also he had his darah tinggi so darah tinggi tak boleh kena pressure faham? also he have lot I mean Really A lot of work to do but you are worst that useless no no you are horrible person!You always dream being a rich man always follow your wife do you word DAYUS?Your wife said this you follow her heyy dia jaga kau ke? tuan rumah ke dia dia suami eh?your dream being rich is fufill but you didnt show you care enough and you did do not much job you just sit at home and watching movie then cerita gebang beli kete BM blah blah laa whay dont you put the money for medicine for your own father pay his rent house be there for him until one of your old brother said"aku nak semua adik beradik rasa macam mana jaga ayah sorang demi sorang"kau ada?lepas tangan je.I thought i could never found who really useless apprently there is one person.That is you! You though you rich enough so that people can look up to you not you moron!

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