Wednesday, August 11, 2010


hmmm how do i start?Lets start by go past and remember what kind things that we use to do that i use to like you so much.I use to put a big smile on my face and i used to feel million crash that maked me feel spinning.lets start by your smile your laugher your nice sweet kind of boy.I admired you by shyness that i almost cant stand enough of it.Then when we walk for first time i still remember we both pretend to be cool to be alaa piece of cake but actually terkaku!haha then you gave me lolipop haha im so excited that timee i cant blush moree!That you used to called me sweets hmmm i cant stand of it.For you everything that i have , i hold it on first i dont know maybe im in love or im just like you too much?then boom somenthing happen you not the same person that i use to know you,your shyness shocked me you sweetness puts tears in my eyes your smile you scent makes me go away i hate you!YOU ARE PERSON THAT STAY BEHIND A SHADOW.You are a person that at first i want to leave first.I just feel like you want to be somebody and you want be somebody so that everyone knows you.If you are a friend of mine you should think before you act you should care how i feel.what did you do?you just go nothing yet you apology but i dont looking for your apology i want the truth.Yet you still want to hurt eventhough you said i try so hard not to hurt you but yet you did.Your type happen then asking for apology, hmmmm take a bow what have you done best award goes to you.I just so extremely not to think to much of it and it taken my emotionaly cover it so it's cant fade away.Sometime i feel like you want to be far from me?why?im ugly?hurmmm i dont know but now im the one who feel i want to away from you i just dont want deal with anything right now and you ALWAYS BRINGS EXCELLENT EXCUSES when it's come things that i pissed off.I want you to know THANKS FOR GIVING ME TASTE OF LOVE MAKING ME LOVED NO DID SPECIAL LIKE YOU DID.Right now you just a friend that living behind a shadow.You not show to me what kind a friend,you not show you care about it,you said not to hurt but yet you did and you became did we know each other?.Im not saying because im be prefect no, i just saying because for about 3 years of frinedship i been hurt i try just be okeyy but clearly hard for it.We just a close friend from phone to a phone not a person to a person.After we had a huge fight you said you dont know why you feel happy hmm i tell you why it's because you learn to be nice and waited its happen but yaa i did happy to be nice with you again but i cant.Like i told you before we become bestfriend from a phone to a phone not a person to a person.Im hurt when you didnt remember things but thanks now i learn what kind a boy you are.Now i just not to happy not to sad mcm biasa je bila dengan you.I dont cry now I dont hurt now i think im okey without you.

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